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In the beginning we discussed with Slav the most immediate challenges related to software, maintenance and ongoing business growth.

  • Short-term challenges revolve around logging and statistics aggregation.
  • Mid-term challenges are about scaling the software in response to business growth and improving performance.
  • Long-term objectives: simplifying the design of front-end and back-end, making it easier to add some required features.

Logging and Statistics

SkuVault generates hundreds of megabytes of logs each day, mostly related to integrations with 3rd party systems. At the moment they are just saved to local storage on back-end worker roles (there are many instances running).

Slav wants to bring these logs into one central place for searching and convenient audits. Given the sheer size of logs, he was interested in ElasticSearch and Kibana. They are already used in the industry with a great success.

ElasticSearch is an open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine. Kibana is ElasticSearch’s data visualization engine.

The only trouble would be about feeding logs from the numerous Azure Worker Roles to one central location. We want to have an easy interop with .NET code, ability to perform logging even if ElasticSearch server is not available. Ideally, everything should work out-of-the-box, reusing existing solutions.

I performed a quick background check for the stack and interoperability with the existing software. For log ingestion we could use Mozilla Heka, launching a daemon on each worker role to ingest log files produced by NLog.

Heka is a high-volume logging infrastructure developed by Mozilla. It is written in go and hence requires very little resources. It runs as a statically compiled native code on many Operating Systems and processors.

Another alternative for log ingestion is Logstash (the most popular one, part of ELK stack). However Heka seems to be a better fit, because:

  • It runs as a native code and doesn't require any runtime (Logstash is JRuby), making it easier and cheaper to launch inside Azure Worker Roles.
  • Heka can accept StatsD protocol out-of-the box, forwarding performance metrics to something like Graphite.
  • Heka is a drop-in replacement for Logstash.

Drawback of running Heka: it is a newer project with less production exposure and fewer plug-ins. However, if Heka doesn't work for some reason, replacing it with logstash is straightforward.

Performance Metrics

Improving performance and scalability of SkuVault is an important concern. In order to do that in the most effective manner, we need to answer following questions:

  • What are the biggest bottlenecks and how exactly do they affect software?
  • How do our code changes change performance (if they do)?

These answers have to be based on real data - performance timers and counters from the software running in production.

Fortunately, Heka does support StatsD format over UDP and there is a .NET library for sending metrics this way.

Reporting performance metrics via UDP is used frequently in software. It is fast and doesn't slow down the software much. Besides, UDP is fire-and-forget: if the statistics aggregating process goes down, this will not affect actual application.

This week I'll spend a few hours to setup a dedicated Windows Azure VM with ElasticSearch, Kibana and Graphite. Then I'll produce a sample Azure Worker Role, configured to send logs and statistics to that server through Heka.

Team at SkuVault will then take their time to reconfigure existing servers to publish logs and stats to this new infrastructure. Ideally, that would require minimal changes to the existing code.

Then, we could use captured data to understand behavior of the system, reason about it and plan next steps.

Published: November 17, 2014.

Next post in SkuVault story: Improving Azure Ecosystem

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